Saturday, February 20, 2010

Deja Vu

Four months ago Ammon got the flu, was sick for a few days, then started having breathing problems.  We took him to Wee Care, they tested his oxygen and then rushed him over to the ER.  Ammon had to stay in the hospital for three days trying to feel better and get his oxygen levels back up. 
That was the first time we've ever had one of our children stay in the hospital, and we never wanted to do it again!
Last week Peter got the flu, was sick for a few days, then started having breathing problems. We took him to Wee Care, they tested his oxygen and then rushed him over to the ER.  Peter had to stay in the hospital for  three days trying to feel better and get his oxygen levels back up. 

So weird and sad, poor boys!


  1. ohhhhhhh Melanie... I tell ya, when Marcus has stayed in the hosp, it just about did me in. You're much more calm than me. I'm so sorry.So verry very sorry. When I saw his sick little face the other day on your blog it just killed me. I don't function very well when the babies are sick. Wish I was there to help. I hope you're getting some rest and some help, too. Love you!

  2. It was so great to see Peter up playing tonight. It was kinda sad/funny when he walked to the end of his oxygen tubing limit and called "Stuck". I looked and the taped tubing was pulling his cheeks and eyelids down in a little oriental look. Love MOM

  3. Oh, so sad. And poor you. I think it's just as hard on the mom sometimes. I hope he's doing better now.
