Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Play Day

Talmage and Leia participated in a Drama Camp this summer.  They performed in the play, "The Little Mermaid and the adventures of the Pirates of the Caribbean."  Leia was thrilled to be a mermaid, one of Ariel's sisters.
 Talmage was cast as Prince Eric, so he had a lot of lines to memorize.  But he also got to play a pirate at the very beginning of the show.
 Here Prince Eric is locked in jail by the wicked pirates.  When the pirates leave, Talmage says, "Here, doggy, doggy" while trying to get the dog to bring him the keys to the jail cell.
 Prince Eric and Princess Ariel.
 Captain Jack Sparrow threatening the handsome Prince Eric.
 Several beautiful mermaids, Leia on the right.
 Almost the entire cast of the show.  Leia is far to the right, while Talmage is closer to the left.
I was so proud of Talmage and Leia while watching their show.  They both did a great job memorizing their lines, songs, and actions.  They were stars!

1 comment:

  1. great job Talmage and Leia! not sure what I think of Leia wearing makeup... she's too cute, don't want boys to notice her til she's at least 21 :P
