Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Bangs are Back!

I have resisted having bangs for the last 15 years or so, but I finally gave in and had some cut recently. I had been pondering over this decision since I went to this "fabulous" hair stylist a few months ago, who told me that I might want to do something about that billboard on my forehead. (He is actually an amazing stylist, just maybe a little too honest about his opinion.) I blame my fear of bangs on my hair situation when I was in Jr. High--notice the scary 7th and 8th grade photos! I never wanted to go back to using Aqua Net, a blow dryer and a curling iron every morning. I guess my hair change is not that drastic, but for me it was quite a step.



    and I'd love to see you while I'm here in Utah. Shoot me an email and let me know if you'd be up for me and my crazy boys.


  2. Very cute hair. It is always a big step to cut bangs since it takes FOREVER to grow them out again! Seems that my high school photos look just like that........

  3. Those pictures are hilarious. I totally remember that. Your dad used to tell me I looked like I got my finger stuck in a light socket. ha ha... Those were the days.

    Just for the record, I love your new haircut. You look great, I say stick with it for the next 15 years!
